A Guide to Painting Breeze Blocks

In a recent study done between 2020 and 2021, demand for home improvement went up by 32%. This equates to around half of UK residents wanting to make some sort of improvement or upgrade to their home.

One of the easiest things to do to update your home is to give it a fresh lick of paint. Not just internally but externally too.

Depending on the material used for your external walls you might be looking at bricks or breeze blocks. Whilst you may think that painting breeze blocks are difficult, or time-consuming, this isn’t the case and it’s a project that can be completed in a weekend.

If you’re interested in learning how to paint breeze blocks, in this article we tell you exactly how. Read on, as we’ve got you everything you need to know about getting started.

Painting Breeze Blocks

You can paint breeze blocks either before or after installation. If this is a new project, then we recommend doing them before for a crisp finish and a contrasting tone between your breeze blocks and the cement. 

However, if you want a uniform colour, then do it after installation and paint the cement and the breeze block at the same time. 

Painting breeze blocks can be a simple way to add aesthetic appeal to your home and the great thing is, it can be done on a budget. 

Painting Block Wall Materials & Equipment

Although you may have used breeze blocks for a different project, typically they are used for walls, which is what we’ve based this step-by-step guide on. To create a painted breeze block wall, or any breeze block project, you’ll need a few essential pieces of equipment.

  • Sheets to protect the ground from drips
  • A dust brush or wire brush to remove any loose surface dirt
  • Masonry paint
  • Gloves

If you’re painting your blocks before installation, then you want also want”

  • A container big enough to dip the block in

If your wall is already in situ, then you’ll need

  • A wide nylon brush for the surface areas
  • A long-handled slim brush for the inner area
  • Or an airless paint sprayer

Choosing Your Paint

Ideally, you will want to use specific masonry paint on your breeze blocks. However, if the wall you are painting is sheltered or indoors away from dampness, then you will be able to get away with using emulsion paint. 

Masonry paint should be used if your breeze blocks are outside, as it will give your paintwork more durability. 

Most paints will require a based coat or primer and others won’t. It will state on the instructions if you paint needs a primer or not. 

However, unless it states on your masonry paint that it doesn’t require a primer, you’ll need to buy something to seal the surface. Usually, a block filler primer is a gloopy thick paint that will soak into all the pores of your breeze block and seals them. 

This will give you a durable and solid surface to that your top coat of paint can adhere to. Depending on how porous your blocks are, you can also use an acrylic latex primer which dries much more quickly. 

Applying the Paint

We’re giving you two methods to paint your breeze blocks in this article. One is by dipping your blocks,  the other is by using a brush or sprayer. 

In either case, you’ll need to ensure that you have prepared your blocks. Make sure that blocks are dry and completely free of dust and loose surface material. Use a firm brush to remove any dirt before painting. 

Dipping Method

Dipping is the quickest and easiest way to paint a breeze block and is the best method if you haven’t built your wall yet.

First, cover your floor or work area with a plastic sheet to protect it. You’ll need a watertight container that you can fit a single breeze block inside.

Fill your container half to three-quarters of the way with paint. Wear a pair of gloves and lower in one breeze block to just over halfway into the paint.  Lift and let any excess paint drip off. 

Lay your block on the plastic sheet, with the non-painted side down, and repeat with the next block. Let them dry. 

Once the blocks are dry, dip the opposite side.

Painting Method

If your wall is already assembled, and you’re just freshening it up, you’ll have to use a paintbrush, or a paint sprayer to coat them. 

Ensure that your wall is clean and dry first. You may need to use a detergent if your wall is particularly dirty. Wash off any detergent properly and ensure the wall is fully dry before painting.

Use a wide brush to paint the outer surface. To get into all the holes, it’s easiest done with a paint sprayer, if you don’t have one of these, then you can use a long-handled paintbrush instead. 

Maintaining Your Breeze Blocks

Once your top coat is dry if your wall is particularly exposed to the elements, then it’s worth finishing with a protective acrylic latex coating.

Your painted breeze blocks should last several years without the need for repainting. To ensure they last a long time, there are some basic maintenance tips that you should follow. 

If you see a chip on the surface, repair it as soon as possible. Water will get into the block and under the rest of the paint causing it to flake. If you see a chip or surface damage, then use a wire brush to remove any flakes of loose paint before priming the surface and adding a new top layer. 

Remove moss and lichen that may be growing on your wall as these can cause damage to the surface of your blocks. These can be removed with a power washer or if they are dry, use a yard broom to brush them off.

How’s Your Home Renovation Project Looking?

So now you’ve learned how painting breeze blocks can have a positive impact on your home, why now start on another home renovation project? 

At UK Home Improvement you can find useful resources for any project around your home. Whether it’s freshening up your garden, living room, or kitchen, or any other home updates and general maintenance, we’ve got it covered leave you to start planning your next upgrade.

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